Mino'aka Wellness
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Minoaka Wellness
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About Charity Paiva

Charity PaivaCharity Paiva
Hi! I am Charity Paiva , founder of Mino’aka Wellness. If you have found yourself here, however you have found yourself here, I am so glad you are here! Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your healing journey!

My mission is to bring hope, healing, and empowerment to people, through the use of holistic & natural solutions including Aromatherapy, Essential Oils, Reiki, and other various healing tools . I am passionate about helping others who are ready to take the necessary steps towards their own healing and want to improve their overall health - physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I love to educate and inspire others about their health + wellness. I love being able to guide individuals towards a balance of what “wellness” looks AND feels like to their own unique needs. I truly believe that we hold the power within ourself to be our own greatest healer.

When you heal yourself, you help to heal others

And That is How You Heal the World

A little backstory on me, I was raised on the Big Island of Hawai’i and it is a place that will always hold my heart!! Growing up on the Big Island, I spend majority of my time in the outdoors, fishing, surfing, swimming…you literally could not get me stay inside the house! I believe that being out in nature has had a huge influence on who I am today.  ’Til this day, I will try to be out in nature, especially the ocean, as much as I can!

I was raised in a very traditional healthcare system. When you got sick, you went to the doctor and they prescribed you some meds.  When you had an ache or pain in your body, you turned to Tylenol.  When you had congestion, VICKS EVERYWHERE (if you know, you know 😝 ).  And even though I spent majority of my childhood outside, I was taught nothing about the healing power of mother nature and the innate wisdom within our own human bodies.

Fast Forward to 2017

This is Where it all Begins

Fast forward to 2017…this is where it all begins.  At the time, I working full-time as a manager at one of the busiest Restaurant/Bar’s in Honolulu, taking care of my daughter, planning a wedding, and trying to work out 3-4xs/week.  Based on society’s standards, I was a “healthy” 36, year old woman but in reality, I was so unhealthy - sleep deprived, stressed out, drank too much, and ate like crap. 14+ years in the industry will do that to you.  In August of that year, I was introduced to dōTERRA and the world Natural Solutions. I stared using the oils, incorporating the supplements, and learning more about ways to improve my own health, and also the health of my lil’ family.  Little did i know that this would also be the catalyst to my own personal healing and growth journey.

2020 was a tough year for us, there was a global pandemic and the world went on lockdown.  It was a scary and unsure time for everyone.  In April, my daughter had a sudden Appendicitis that had her in immense pain. We had no choice but to take her to the ER and she ended up needing surgery. At the time, being in a hospital was so frightening!  Thank goodness everything turned out alright.   Then in May, we found out that my husband had Stage IV Esophageal Cancer that had Metastasized through his bones and was everywhere in his body.  The diagnosis did not look good. All the doctors’ told us his chances of survival were very, very slim and that we should get our affairs in order.  Hearing devastating news like that breaks your faith, and shakes you down to the core. Despite the uncertainty and fear, we held on to hope.  I never forget him saying to me, “Whatever you want to use on me, do it.  Whatever you tell me to do, i’ll do it.  You do what you do best. I trust in you. We are gonna fight together. This cannot be the end of our story.”  I felt empowered to move forward because of his faith in me and also because of what I had learned over the last 3 years about natural and holistic ways to help support + heal the human body.  Three years later, he’s still with us and in remission. God is good.

In 2022, I felt the call to serve “bigger” and find ways to help more people.

This led me to getting my Certification as a Reiki Practitioner (Level I & II).

2020 was a tough year for us, there was a global pandemic and the world went on lockdown.  It was a scary and unsure time for everyone.  In April, my daughter had a sudden Appendicitis that had her in immense pain. We had no choice but to take her to the ER and she ended up needing surgery. At the time, being in a hospital was so frightening!  Thank goodness everything turned out alright.   Then in May, we found out that my husband had Stage IV Esophageal Cancer that had Metastasized through his bones and was everywhere in his body.  The diagnosis did not look good. All the doctors’ told us his chances of survival were very, very slim and that we should get our affairs in order.  Hearing devastating news like that breaks your faith, and shakes you down to the core. Despite the uncertainty and fear, we held on to hope.  I never forget him saying to me, “Whatever you want to use on me, do it.  Whatever you tell me to do, i’ll do it.  You do what you do best. I trust in you. We are gonna fight together. This cannot be the end of our story.”  I felt empowered to move forward because of his faith in me and also because of what I had learned over the last 3 years about natural and holistic ways to help support + heal the human body.  Three years later, he’s still with us and in remission. God is good.

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